Applicable Version: Applies to all
The article provides steps to manually create a new user account in Realizeit. When creating a new user, the user will need to be placed into the appropriate group(s)/section(s), organization(s) and also given the needed aspects.
1. Click on the User menu dropdown and select Organizations and People>People
2. Click on Create a new person record.
3. Provide a Surname in the Surname field.
4. Provide a Forename in the Forename(s) field.
5. Provide a Username.
6. Provide an email address.
7. In the dropdown for Add to organization select the appropriate organization.
8. In the Add to section field type the name of the group/section the new user should be placed in.
a. Click on Find.
b. Select the appropriate section from the dropdown
9. Under Aspects, My data and learning will automatically populate for all new student users. This is the only aspect needed for a student account.
10. Click on More at the bottom of the page.
11. Expand Ownership and sharing.
a. From the Organization dropdown select an organization and give Full Access. The organization selected will have access to edit and view the user.
b. If additional access needs to be given, click on Add additional sharing details.
i. Data type – Select Organization or person
ii. Data item – Select the organization or person
iii. Access Level – Select Full Access
iv. Then click on Create new sharing record.
12. Scroll back up in the Main details area type a password into the Password field and also into the Confirm field.
13. Click on Save.