Applicable Version: Applies to all

Variable Snippets allows content authors to reuse sets of variables previously created.  These snippets can be created from both Global variables and variables within questions. The function will copy the set of variables and allow them to be used in other sections, curricula, etc. 


Create a snippet

  1. Click on Create snippet below your variables.
  2. A new window will open.
  3. In the field for Label, provide a recognizable label, otherwise the system will provide a label.
  4. Then click on Save

To insert the variable snippet

A. If you want to place variables into a question 
  1. Access the question.
  2. Scroll down to the Variables area and click on Insert snippet.
  3. A new window opens, in the dropdown for Available snippets select the required snippet.
  4. Click on Load
B. If you want to place variables into your global variables and provide a prefix to ensure the variables are unique
  1. Open your global variables by click on the Global variables button .
  2. Click New under Groups of variables.
  3. Click on Insert snippet
  4. A new window opens, in the dropdown for Available snippets select the required snippet.
  5. In the field for Add a prefix to the variable name, type a prefix (e.g. W).
  6. Click on Load.
