1. Exam mode: All questions are marked at the end: During this mode, students are delivered assessment questions one by one. Students can scroll up and down during the assessment to view or change their answers to all questions. No results or scores are presented to students during the assessment. Once students click “next” on the last question delivered in the assessment, the button at the bottom of the screen states “Review answers then click here to submit”, prompting students to make one final check of their answers before submitting the assessment. Once students click this button, the system will grade all questions in the assessment simultaneously. The assessment score is then visible to the student and they can scroll up to see how they performed on all questions in the assessment and view solutions (if available).


  1. Exam mode (no feedback): All questions are marked at the end but no feedback is given: During this mode, students are delivered assessment questions one by one. Students can scroll up and down during the assessment to view or change their answers to all answered questions. No results are presented to students during the assessment. Once students click “next” on the last question delivered in the assessment, the button at the bottom of the screen states “Review answers then click here to submit”, prompting students to make one final check of their answers before submitting the assessment. Once clicked, the following message is displayed, “You have completed the questions”. Student score is not visible but solutions are (if available).


Be advised that the state of the assessment can only be tracked in Exam mode and interruptions are only possible in Exam mode when state information is being tracked.


  1. No feedback: No results or scores are presented: During this mode, students are delivered one question at a time. Once an answer is submitted for a question, the system delivers the next question and the previous question disappears. On answering the last question, and clicking “submit answer”, the assessment ends and a “You’ve completed the questions” message is displayed. Students do not see any results or scores.


  1. After each question. The result of each question is indicated after the question has been answered: During this mode, students are delivered one question at a time.  Once an answer is submitted for a question, students can see if they were marked wrong or correct and view solutions (if available). Then, the system delivers the next question and the previous question disappears. On answering the last question, and clicking “submit answer”, the assessment ends and a “You’ve completed the assessment with a score of “X”” message is displayed. At this point, students can also drill into the question numbers at the top of the screen (in a circle) to see if they were marked wrong or correct and view solutions (if available)


  1. All together. The results of all questions are presented together after the questions have been answered: During this mode, students are delivered one question at a time. Once an answer is submitted for a question, the system delivers the next question and the previous question disappears. On answering the last question, and clicking “submit answer”, the assessment ends  and the following messages are displayed: “You have achieved a score of “X” out of 25 (X%). You answered X question(s) correctly out of 25” and “You’ve completed the assessment with a score of “X””. At this point, students can drill into the question numbers at the top of the screen (in a circle) to see if they were marked wrong or correct and view solutions (if available).


  1. During and After: The results of all questions are presented as the questions are asked and also shown at the end: During this mode, students are delivered one question at a time.  Once an answer is submitted for a question, students can see if they were marked wrong or correct and view solutions (if available). Then, the system delivers the next question and the previous question disappears. On answering the last question, and clicking “submit answer”, the assessment ends and the following messages are displayed: “You have achieved a score of “X” out of 25 (X%). You answered X question(s) correctly out of 25”  and “You’ve completed the assessment with a score of “X””. At this point, students can drill into the question numbers at the top of the screen (in a circle) to see if they were marked wrong or correct and view solutions (if available).