Student achievement in Realizeit is measured using probability functions which indicate the system’s belief in the student’s ability, based on the evidence that it has available. This is done for each knowledge item, and aggregated for a learning objective or course as required. This differs from a traditional grade in that values are subject to change as evidence is accumulated and propagated through the learning network, as opposed to the point in time measurement of a typical grade.

Many institutions wish to convert these measures into a more traditional grade, usually to populate a gradebook in an LMS, and to provide students with a more recognizable measure of their progress. Realizeit has always provided the tools to do this, using a translation formula that can be determined by each institution, and can vary for different courses, learning objectives etc.

Since this formula is configurable, it is not always clear to students (or instructors) how a Realizeit score will convert to a grade as specified in the grading formula, nor what the student should to in order to improve the grade. In the latest release we have added new features that allow explanations to be given that should help to clarify this area.

As part of this enhancement we have introduced a new entity called a grading definition.