This article will review how to create a prerequisite network.


Building the prerequisite network

  1. Click on the Prerequisite view button in the control panel. 
  2. From the left the control panel, expand a parent node using the downward arrow. 
  3. Then click the check box next to the parent node. This will display all end nodes from this parent branch.
  4. Create the prerequisite network for this branch.To create new links, select the prerequisite node, click on the Create new prerequisite link button, then select the post-requisite node when prompted. Alternatively, click on a prerequisite node and drag it to the post-requisite node to create a link.   

Alternatively, you can have the system automatically create prerequisite links based on content associations and node hierarchy relationships. Upon completion of this step it will be the SME's responsibility to do a final check to ensure the links created by the system are indeed correct and if there are redundant links they will need to be deleted.  

Use Identify and create prerequisite base on content icon

  1. Click on the Hierarchy view button in the control panel. 
  2. Expand your curriculum down one level. Hold down the shift key and select all parent nodes on this level: 


  3.  On the control panel, click on the Identify and create prerequisite base on content  icon, image

  4. Click Yes to proceed with the action and OK to acknowledge the links.

  5. Click on the Prerequisite view button in the control panel to review the newly created network and edit as needed.